Tips - Flowbite Svelte
Tips for your apps.
Svelte key blocks #
Svelte key blocks destroy and recreate their contents when the value of an expression changes. This can be useful when you are using SvelteKit (group) routing.
For example, if you have a following group routing:
├── (app)
│ ├── +layout.svelte
│ ├── +page.svelte
│ ├── about
│ │ └── +page.svelte
│ ├── contact
│ │ └── +page.svelte
│ ├── orders
│ │ └── +page.svelte
│ └── profile
│ └── +page.svelte
└── +layout.svelte
The following example shows how to add navigation using the key blocks:
- Svelte
// src/routes/(app)/+layout.svelte
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { Navbar, NavLi, NavUl } from 'flowbite-svelte';
$: activeUrl = $page.url.pathname;
{#key activeUrl}
<Navbar let:hidden let:toggle>
<NavUl {hidden} {activeUrl}>
<NavLi href="/">Home</NavLi>
<NavLi href="/about">About</NavLi>
<NavLi href="/contact">Contact</NavLi>
<NavLi href="/orders">Orders</NavLi>
<NavLi href="/profile">Profile</NavLi>
<slot />